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RhythmMeditations Creator / Designer
Jim Anderson, MS
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Jim's Lifetime of Rhythm  


Age 0 to 9: Beat on model boxes with pencils listening to the Beatles hanging out with his brother Lynn, who graded his drum fills on a scale of 1-to-10

Age 10 to 12: Begged for a drum set on a daily basis; eventually broke his parents down and purchased his first used aquamarine finish Mercury drum set with bash-o-matic cymbals from garage sale.  

Age 13 to 17: Middle School & High School Band (Code for being allowed to play drums 2 to 3 hours per day at school).  Practiced another 4 to 5 hours per day once home.  Drove family clinically insane listening to Vinnie Colaiuta, Steve Gadd, Tony Williams and Dave Weckl.  Family eventually built an add-on soundproof room off the very back of the house for drumming / Thanks Guys!


Age 17 to 23: Professional Drum Instructor / Taught hundreds of kids the creative discipline of following their passion and learning to play drums at various music stores in Orange County / Earned AA in Music Education Fullerton College, CA. 

Age 23 to 28: Professional Musician / Toured Worldwide playing drums with a number of top level professionals.  Lived in Japan and the Netherlands for 2 years while touring, recording and composing music.  

Age 28 to 35: A Shift to Psychology /  Earned BS in Human Services and Masters Degree in Counseling, California State University at Fullerton - while continuing to teach and play drums professionally in SoCal.   

Age 35 to 40: Product Inventor / Ten Year + NAMM Show Success  / Designed and patented products for Zildjian, Sabian, Remo, Toca, LP.  Invented Factory Metal Percussion - patented, marketed internationally and played worldwide. Worked with a “who’s who list” of top tier Team FMP Product Endorsers including Vinnie Colaiuta, Omar Hakim, Luis Conte, Ray Luzier, Tommy Lee, Terry Bozzio, Rick Allen and the Blue Man Group, to name only a few.

Age 40 to Current: Licensed LMFT Private Practice Therapist in Temecula CA, providing Online Tele-Therapy; helping thousands of kids, teens, and families access the incredible power of change.  

Age 50 and Beyond: Creator / Program Designer at and  Dedicated to creating and designing creative sound healing percussion products, meditation theories / methods of use, innovative training workshops, and retreats for the meditation industry, educators, therapists and personal transformation / life coaches internationally.   Author / A New Frame of Reference: The Art of Exploring Your Next Best Option (Available on Amazon Paperback & Kindle).


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