RhythmMeditations Disclaimer:
RhythmMeditations are never to be used while driving a car, operating any heavy machinery, or while at work, school or childcare (i.e., in situations that require higher levels of sustained focus and awareness).
RhythmMeditations have been created for information, educational and relaxation purposes only, and are not meant as a substitute to diagnose or treat mental illness. I understand RhythmMeditations program and all information presented on this website, including mp3 recordings are never a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. Note: Please consult your physician prior to starting any meditation program, to make sure what is best for you.
By accessing the mp3's and other information presented on this website, you agree to the following statement: “I am aware that I will be listening to RhythmMeditations of my own free will and in doing so take 100% responsibility for my interest. I understand that RhythmMeditations have been designed to promote basic calming, relaxation, meditation and creativity through the use of rhythm, music and metaphor".
As a consumer, you understand and agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with viewing this website and using RhythmMeditations. Furthermore, RhythmMeditations accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on this website, including, but not limited to RhythmMeditations programs, mp3's, written scripts, audio and video discussions, written works, demonstrations, training workshops, and other related activities.
Privacy Note: RhythmMeditations will never sell your email address or contact you for any other reason than to inform you when new RhythmMeditations products are coming on stream and being made available.